Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Urgent!! Danger! New fish tanks!

Welcome to the lovely little Cory Catfish world. Free tips about keeping Cory Catfish. Cory Catfish information, and more on Cory Catfish, your home and family and pet home.

URGENT! DANGER! New fish tanks!

I have had numerous people tell me that their new fish has died, just a few days after bringing them home. These people have asked me if I may have an answer.

Yes I do!

New fish tanks can be very toxic to fish in the beginning. Your new tank has to be ‘cycled’ before you place your new Siamese fighting fish/ Betta fish, Cory Catfish or African Dwarf Frog into the new tank.

To find out more, click on the following link: http://fishtankinfo.blogspot.com/

Friday, March 27, 2009

Cory Catfish background information

Cory Catfish. Some background information.

Corydoras. The name comes from the Greek ‘Kory’ (helmet) and Doras (skin), because of their hard skin.

There are over 140 species of Corydoras.

Cory Catfish are native to South America. They live in areas from the east of the Andes to the Atlantic coast, from Trinidad to the La Plata River drainage in Northern Argentina.

They are widely distributed in South America from the Magdalena River basin in Columbia, but not in Panama.

Cory’s are mostly found in smaller-sized streams, in marshes and ponds.
(Very much like your African Dwarf Frog and your Siamese fighting fish/ Betta fish).

They live in slow moving and mostly still streams (but not stagnant) and small rivers of South America where the water is shallow and clear.
Click on ‘free bonus books’ for more information.

Click another interesting link: http://aquariumliveplants.blogspot.com/

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Introducing lovely Cory Catfish

Welcome to the lovely Cory Catfish blog. Free tips about keeping Cory Catfish. Cory Catfish information and more on Cory Catfish your home and family and pet home.

These wonderful little catfish are very popular with aquarists everywhere. They get along very well with other species because they are not at all aggressive.

If you want a tropical freshwater community aquarium, then you would do well to add the Cory Catfish.

Try to keep them in groups of at least three or more because in the wild they are often seen in schools and prefer being in groups.
Sometimes you could find that there would be thousands of individuals swimming together.

They would make great companions for your Siamese fighting fish/ Betta fish and also your African Dwarf Frog.

Click on the links for more information.
Also see 'Great companion' and 'Another great companion' top right hand sidebar.